Saturday, 22 March 2014

Soft synths and iPads and Raspberry Pi

Saturday, 22 March 2014

New, freshly-recorded violin voices for M3000

Last Wednesday, 19th March, we were in the studio of Glenn Tommey (Stackridge keyboards / trombone / flute) in order to capture a set of recordings of Clare Lindley, violinist with Stackridge and DLM. It has to be said, the violin is already the best-served instrument for tape replay and virtual tape replay instruments - there are Harry's original violins which then were EQd into the MK II, the M300A and M300B violins, M400 violins. Violins aplenty. And yet there is something about how violins sound, and how no two violins or violin libraries sound exactly the same, and there is always room for another chromatically-sampled set of voices for that lovely instrument. So, given all that, we had a shot at making a brand-new, clean, 2014 technology library.

I had been warned by the Streetly team that it isn't easy, and it turned out to be pretty arduous for the poor artist - 8 solid minutes of tremolo bow-bouncing is apparently an elbow-breaker!

But it was a successful evening's work, and I'm very, very happy with the results. A brand-new 2014 violin library with 7 distinct voices. There is a 'soft, slow' arco, which is fascinating, when played as chords it loses its violin quality and becomes almost muted brass. A 'soft vibrato' arco, with a very subtle vibrato, and using the mod wheel to transition between these voices is very effective. A pair of 'gusto' arcos, pure and with vibrato, and with no attempt made to edit out the transitions in bow direction - it sounds like somebody playing the violin, which is great. On top these there is a pizzicato, this one two takes doubled up for an ensemble sound, a cracking edgy spiccato, and the elbow-wrecking tremolo. The goal of this whole exercise was to develop a library in the spirit of the mellotron - simple, chromatic, 8 second samples of performance that can substitute for a string section on stage or on record. But not only that, to allow scope for expression and performance by recording multiple different techniques in one session. Taking a cue from Rick Wakeman's astonishing 'Space Oddity' performance, this will allow gifted keyboardists to make the library shine by subtle twiddling of knobs during play. So for example, by leaving the spiccato in B, 'soft no vibrato' in A and 'gusto vibrato' in C, wholly new combinations of 'attack plus soft sustain' and 'attack with strong vibrato sustain' can be created by use of the mod wheel during performance, setting partial blends of A and B, or B and C. The library is in fact boosted up to 10 voices - 350 samples! - by the addition of 3 'ensemble' voices, which blend 2 different 'soft' takes and a 'soft vibrato', a 'soft and gusto' mix and an 'all the stops out' gusto pure / gusto vibrato / soft vibrato mix.  These allow a single M3000 on stage to be set up with say a Clare ensemble, a classic 8 voice choir and some Strawberry flutes in the ABC, for maximum prog rock impact.

This new library, along with the amazing Harry Chamberlin Tapes and a quite breathtaking, massive selection of Streetly's classic Tron tapes will be made available for in-app purchase at the next M3000 refresh, which will be submitted to the App Store for review within the next few days. Exciting times!

Friday, 14 March 2014

一台鼓機翻江海:Roland TR-808


一台鼓機翻江海:Roland TR-808

TR-808,1983年停產,但藉由其所創造出來的音樂並不因此停滯。Roland近期也將延續其精神發表副刻,重新推出了TR-8,號稱聲音跟原來的808一模一樣,並且將909也囊括進來了(也發表了TB-303的副刻版,模擬再現了Acid House製作人愛用的Bassline與擾聲)。909自然也有一定其地位,它的Hi-Hat聲同樣也是經典,但808才是最具代表性與影響力。
在808問世之前,鼓機的存在是這樣的,是那種你平常放在客廳鋼琴上面;那種要跟其他樂器一起作動,可有可無的東西。突然之間,就有股莫名而來的浪潮,將這樣的節奏機帶進專業市場裡。Roland的產品經理-Sean Montgomery說道,他們本來想做的是,要將808去模擬真鼓,但是透過電晶體轉換的聲音,聽起來真的非常不像。“在類比技術上,我們盡了一切的努力,但是最後它聽起來還是像大便”,Montgomery爽朗地說,TR-808於是便被他們放生到市場上去了。
正因為如此,售價低廉,就算Roland對這項產品不抱任何期望,但傳說就從那些阮囊羞澀的人開始了。不巧,TECHO老祖宗 Juan Atkins就買了密西根州的第一台TR-808。當時他還在念高中,利用808來替他的樂隊,就是後來我們現在所熟知,驚世駭俗的Cybotron來當做配器。Atkins說道:“我那時有門課叫未來學,是關於工業社會到科技社會的轉變。我便把當中許多的規則,應用到製作音樂上頭”,而808正是恰如其分的適用於他的“未來音樂” — “hi-tech funk”(Detroit Techno);也如同他受Kraftwerk與George Clinton的影響一樣重要。在這之前,Juan Atkins使用的是DR-55,而808完全超越了它,對此Atkins說道“808讓你可以自由的編程,你能隨意地擺放大鼓小鼓的位置,開創了許多可能”
同一時間,在紐約,神人Afrika Bambaataa與Soul Sonic Force正在錄製Hip Hop史上最重要的單曲之一:Planet Rock
為Funk Music帶來了嶄新的一面,前所未有的感覺。Greg Broussard,來自紐約的音樂製作人,又以 “埃及情人”(Egyptian Lover)為人所知,Broussard發覺是808讓這首歌有了獨特的個性,並且立馬前往住家附近的樂器行一試,結果一用成主顧。“我試寫了Planet Rock的鼓組,並馬上就愛上了台小機器”,Broussard娓娓道來,“一見鍾情啊!她每個聲音聽起來都有點像玩具,但同時也能夠讓你想要跳起來。當場我就把她帶回家了”,經過了一晚自修速成練習,隔天他就帶著808登上萬人舞台,與他的 Uncle Jamm’s Army Dj Crew一起現場演出。“我沒有帶其他的樂器,光是808的拍子就帶動了現場觀眾,成千上萬的人與這個小小鼓機共舞。”,回到底特律,Atkins也同時將808配置到他的Dj台側,“我們帶著808去派對,並且現場創造旋律出來,整場根本嗨翻,比起單純播放唱片,這是完全不同的感受。”
這樣的互相輝映也反應了八零年代社會現象。“家用電腦開始逐步進入音樂現場,TR-808位子恰如其分”,Joe Mansfield如是說,Beat Box: A Drum Machine Obsession 專刊作者,一位資深鼓機收藏家。“聲音聽起來就很有未來感,如果電腦也會打鼓,那就是它會發出的聲音。”TR-808開始滲入到主流樂壇。如來自摩城,人稱靈魂王子Marvin Gaye(馬文·蓋伊)的Sexual Healing並且越過大西洋,開始影響英國音樂,一開始先是工業或後龐克,到了的Graham Massey 手上就開始把它用到Acid House裡頭,也才有了808 State。
“一個已經被公司拋棄的東西,它卻將它的靈魂留了下來”,Manfield說道,“這台Roland機器開始變成音樂世界共通的語言”,整個音樂產業開始因為這個新技術,更互相靠近了一點。Massey會用808來做Hiphop,是因為他負擔不了比它更貴的器材;他也用來做House音樂:緊密、叢林感覺的聲音;同時也部署了909隨側,“909的大鼓就更為渾厚有力,相較808就比較像是女生的鼓;而808的牛鈴對我來說就代表了整個八零中期的R & B,像是SOS Band,那種舞廳大國歌,橫掃了整個英國北西。這可不是枯燥的Dj歷史學,我說的可是像“淑女之夜”的那種音樂。”
TR-808變得如跳舞音樂的成分之一,“當大部份歌的鼓,都不像真鼓時”,傳說繼續延續,製作軟體推出808的數位板本更加以推波助瀾。“製作人在成千上萬的鼓聲套組當中尋找他想要的聲音,但最後他們還是回來選擇808”,Mansfield指出,如嘻哈界一直都很喜歡808的聲音,像Lex Luger將808的聲音精簡精緻使用,還有一些Chicago Dj將808的基本模組套用到他們的舞曲作品裡頭。
除此之外,如dubstep製作人Tony Williams,808引發他Addison Groove計劃的靈感,“如果你將808的大小鼓、clap放在各部的最上層,不管是在家或是在club,它都能完美填補音頻範圍,就算你用筆電喇叭也是”,Williams先前接受了Fabric的邀演,請他演出live Set,於是他將買車的錢拿去買了一台真實808,以取代軟體版本。“這麼說可能不太恰當,但是這做的真的非常簡單用來現場演出,而且是當你喝醉的時候”Williams說道“他的音色調整系統是我用過最好的,不管你怎麼做都能讓台下跳舞,我很享受能這樣邊玩邊喝。”
隨著越來越多的製作人被吸引,從筆電轉移到硬體器材,新的副刻版是設計成延續TR-808的精神,但它們不會完全取代原版,就算他們已陳舊褪色,但如Broussard,AKA The Egyptian Lover所說,他現在收集擁有六台808。當他描述它時,聲調溫柔,且說“這些器材就如我的孩子一般,我永遠捨不得拋棄他們。”
Ben Beaumont Thomas |

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Bellami HD-1 超八米厘可換鏡數碼相機將於三月面世

說起那種為電影人所愛、古風超八米厘數碼化的產品,大家聽得最多的應該是「Nolab 超八米厘數碼菲林匣」,問題是它流傳了這麼久還未見影,恐怕都是遙遙無期。不過這個由日本公司 Chinon  推出的 Bellami HD-1 則快要面世,估計於三月中就會正式登場,價格為 85,000 日元 (約為 HKD 6,500)。
單單是這個手槍的外表,可能已經足以吸引不少獨立電影愛好者,而且根據其可換鏡的設計,加上機身上有 T & W 的按鈕應為變焦控制,不少人相信這相機應會支援不同舊鏡,包括 D、C、CS 及 M42 接環 (透過 adapter)。
據指,Chinon 的過去本身也頗有趣,他們以前曾製作過類似的 產品,而且一度由 Kodak 所擁有,但現在應該是使用相同名字的新公司,而仍然投入製作相機產品。無論如何,還是值得注意三月中的公佈呢。


The Nok - 個人blog 為《車窗望》,生活就是照顧女兒和不斷的文字創作。